A tile mastered font-family.

ASCII-art type design

The PNG file made in GIMP containing the first anti-aliased AA set for this font.

A tool was written for generating fonts from the PNG file; using just graylevel codes, the authoring was later transitioned to the chunked XPM like format described in the following:


# The format supports comments
# 0xA000 will generate a 0xA000-Sans.ufo
# file, which can yield a TTF.
fontname 0xA000-Sans

# Gets encoded in the font, seems to be needed
# for mono variant to show up.
variant Sans

# include the full palette, using grayscale or
# other mappings here will yield various effects.
include palette.asc

!! # this marks the start of glyphs

include 5px.asc         # contains letter shapes
include 5px-drawing.asc # contains box-drawing chars


# The palette file defines which shapes are used for which
# ascii char in glyph drawings.

include components.asc

. blank    #   0% The possible tile names
+ light    #  25% are hard-coded in 0xA000.c
H medium   #  50%
9 strong   #  75%
8 solid    # 100% 
p cse      # cs = curve south east
q csw
b cne
d cnw
7 lse      # lse = line south east
` lsw    
a lnw   
e lne      # h - might be better
< ve       # ve = v facing east
> vw
V vn
n vs


# custom vector components are defined like thus,
# they need to be defined before the mappings using them

{ lne
L 0 1
L 1 0
L 0 0

{ cne
L 0 1
c 0.5523 1
c 1 0.5523
C 1 0
L 0 0


# this is just an excerpt, link
# to more complete version: 5px.asc

( X )

( 1 )

If authormode appears on a line by itself before the !! line, a special font with the ascii codes used for components replaced by large versions of the components themselves is generated. Using such a font in a terminal makes any terminal text editor a WYSIWYG tool.

The sources for 0xA000 are hosted on github.com/hodefoting/0xA000. 0xA000 uses fontile, kernagic, fontforge and ttfautohint to transform source text-files into TTF files.

2013 © Øyvind Kolås fonts licensed under OFL